Players who create games can now start them in double time! Double time allows for twice the amount of game play in 24 hours as our regular time games.
1. Why Double Time? Some people just like a faster paced game and feel that waiting 12 hours to play is too long. If you don't like double time games you can still play regular time.
2. Regular time games start new rounds at about 12:05AM eastern time and 12:05PM Eastern Time daily.
3. Double time games also start new rounds at 12:05AM and 12:05PM. However they also start two additional rounds, one at 4:05PM and one at 8:05PM eastern time
4. It is possible to play in both regular timed games and double time games at the same time, refer to your 'my game' page for which games you can play at any given time.
5. As an Example: Here is a grid showing the four times zones of the continental US and when new rounds start.
Eastern |
Central |
Mountain |
Pacific |
TURN 1 |
12:05AM |
11:05PM |
10:05PM |
9:05PM |
TURN 2 |
12:05PM |
11:05AM |
10:05AM |
9:05AM |
TURN 3(DT) |
4:05PM |
3:05PM |
2:05PM |
1:05PM |
TURN 4(DT) |
8:05PM |
7:05PM |
6:05PM |
5:05PM |
DT=Double Time Rounds Only